Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Children's Bedtime Reading Giveaway

You may have seen our review on Where Is The Green Sheep by Mem Fox a classic children’s bedtime story.

It is still and I think will be for a very long time our daughters favorite and I want to share it’s joy with our readers children.

So we are giving away 3 copies of this book to be shipped from Amazon.

Please use Rafflecopter to enter and best of luck.

Happy Play Times :-)
a Rafflecopter giveaway Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory


  1. bedtime stories relax my daughter, allow for cuddle time and give her a chance to "read" to me. Barbara

  2. My favorite part of bedtime stories is the quiet cuddle time!! Unless we are reading a really silly book - then it is the sound fo kids cracking up! :)

  3. I love stories that are cute and sweet and help my daughter rest easier with nice things on her mind.
    -Audra Weathers
