Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How to Play with Babies on a Plane

We have just returned to Singapore from time spent visiting family in Australia, it was our girls second trip but the first they were still only eating & sleeping.

We had a seven hour flight - going over it was night time and the children slept YAY!
But the flight home was an awkward time and I knew I'd be needing to spend a considerable amount of time entertaining them.

So here are a few of my airplane playtime tips we used.

New Toys Surprise
- I had picked up some small rattle toys & chewy toys before leaving. We opened them on the plane at almost 9 months they seem to understand anticipation waiting with excitement to get their hands on them.

Old Toys Found
- A couple of days before leaving I took some of the toys away so I could use them afresh on the plane.

Find an Older Grandmother Type
-Seriously every flight has them a lovely woman who loves children - when they offer to take them for a walk or hold then say yes it's a win-win for everyone.

Peek a Boo
- Never forget this oldie but a goodie to pass a little time.

Pull it Out
- I let the children pull things out of a small bag, put it back in, repeat... It really isn't hard to clean up and it occupies little minds and burgeoning motor skills. 

Don't Forget the Books
-Last but not least don't forget the books, children always love being cuddled up in their parents lap for story time it passes the time in a nice way for all.

Hope some of these ideas help on your next flight with the little bubba's

Happy Play Times :-)


  1. These are wonderful ideas! I'd love for you to come link up this post at the Mommy-Brain Mixer, which is happening right now! TONS of moms to meet and stories to read. :)

    1. Thanks Cassie so much for stopping by & leaving a comment,
      I will definitely go & check out your link today.
      Hope you will visit us again soon.
