Welcome to this week's Friday Fun Facts!
Haze edition what do you mean haze???
Well as many of our readers know I live in the usually beautiful tropical Singapore - if you read our BLOG and are from Singapore you will well know the weather phenomena we are experiencing of hazy conditions from the Sumatran burn offs and for our friends from other parts of the world you may not know but currently Singapore is experiencing the worst air pollution from these fires in the history of the country.
Basically the fires are creating a smoky and smelly haze over the country and to see what we mean check out the view from our apartment at 9am this morning!
(The Haze covers the many apartment blocks and buildings that can usually be seen this shot only shows us visibility of one apartment complex over) |
It means we are currently relegated to inside activities and boy do I have a lot to share with getting creative in keeping twin toddlers engaged and active in play who are used to spending days swimming and playing in the playground outside! The good news is it seems to be clearing fingers crossed.
Anyway that is the background now to the Friday Fun Facts which we will be dedicating to the 'Singapore Haze' certainly something new to share with your family.
- In 1997 the highest pollution reading recorded from fires such as these was 226 in September on June 21st 2013 the next highest recorded reading was 401 (It was not much fun but hey we can all say we were part of history that is fun for the kids when they grow up!)
- The reading used to measure this pollution is called a PSI which stands for Pollution Standards Index - bet you didn't know that well at least I didn't until this week then I became glued to that little number on a website :-)
- The USA used to use PSI as a standard until 1999 when it was replaced by the Air Quality Index.
- Heavy rains help to dissipate the haze let's hope for a tropical downpour!
So there you have it a few random facts about something you may or may not have ever known about!
We hope everyone enjoys a wonderful weekend be it indoors or outdoors.
Happy Play Times :-)